Child Development Psychology - COS212


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  • Course Description

      Currently this course will BEGIN ON 9/4/2024. If you purchase this course today, you will gain access to start the course on 9/4/2024. On or after 9/4/2024 we will return to a rolling enrollment which includes start dates of every business day.

      Students will examine and apply the theoretical foundations of human growth and development to children and adolescents. Additionally, learners will determine children’s learning styles; stages of social, emotional, cognitive and physical development; and needed accommodations in educational settings. Throughout the course, family and community engagement, cultural influences on learners and language growth and development will be emphasized. Please download a copy of the syllabus for a full course description.

  • Download Syllabus

      If you'd like to learn more about this class or provide a copy of the syllabus to your school counselor to ensure you are taking the right course, please fill out the form below to begin the download.


  • Course Details

    • Semester: Semester 1
    • SKU: COS212-5
    • Category: Life Skills

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