Kick these Habits and Have a More Productive Day

Posted on April 05 2013

There are some habits that keep us from achieving as much as we could have, not just for our online high school education, but also for life in general. As you try to earn your high school diploma online, the challenge is how you can effectively wear a number of hats – employee or entrepreneur, parent, friend and student. With the level of responsibilities you already have, plus the responsibilities you have as an online high school student, it becomes necessary for you to bid adieu to some habits in order to make the most of your limited time.

Here is a quick rundown of some habits you have to drop:

  • Choosing to disregard your body’s needs. Because of the many demands for your time and energy, it is sometimes tempting to skip a meal or lose out on a night sleep, just to finish a project or ensure that your assignment is turned on time. Good nutrition, adequate rest and exercise are all necessary for you to be in your tiptop shape – not just physically but also mentally. Avoid the temptation to indulge in bad health habits. Taking good care of your body will help ensure that you are fit and able to enjoy the benefits that your education will provide you in the future. So be sure to listen to your body. Catch a few zzzs so that you can wake up with a refreshed mind. Load up on nutritious food options such as fruits and vegetables rather than on junk and fast food. Be sure to also load up on essential vitamins and minerals. When you can, take the opportunity to have a quick exercise session. This may come in the form of walking your dog or taking your child to a walk in the park.
  • Indulging in time wasters. Farmville or your favorite online game can help decompress you but so will taking a jog. Your favorite TV program or the latest news from the web can entertain but you should do these only in moderation. As much as possible, choose entertainment options that have a dual-purpose. Surfing the internet and chatting with friends can hog a lot of your time so it is best to avoid these, even just for now, when you are focusing your time and energies on your studies and other responsibilities. For instance, you can exercise to relax and hit two birds with one stone – taking care of your body and giving your mind a much-needed rest. You can also use your favorite “time waster” as an incentive if you have made significant progress or if you have finished the day’s goals.
  • Refusing to take breaks. This is the other extreme. As the saying goes, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” It is helpful to also take breaks. You can endeavor to spend this break time with family so that your spouse and children don’t feel left out of your busy schedule. Go with your spouse on a quick dinner date or simply stay at home with your kids and watch your favorite movie.
  • Ignoring opportunities to study, however small. Sometimes, we tend to wait until we have a considerable amount of time where we can sit down and study. But with an online high school education, you can actually be on the go and still get some work done. For instance, while waiting for your bus, you can start reading up on that history lesson. These little minutes of work you insert within your day can add up and help you get a crack on your to-do list.
  • Not dealing with stress. Stress is a fact of life. What is important is knowing how to deal with it. If you fail to do so, stress can build up and have a negative effect on you, your disposition and your health. Do deal with stress, take breaks. Do something that relaxes you – like having a massage, baking, cooking your family’s favorite meal or listening to music.
  • Dwelling on the negative. If you have failed a test or were not able to submit a project on time, learn to pick up the pieces and move on. Staying positive can make a great impact on your drive, discipline and determination to succeed. Avoid people who feel that their only job is to criticize what you do or make you have doubts about the wisdom of your getting a high school diploma online. Immerse yourself in things that encourage and uplift. Read inspirational and self-help books. If you are on the spiritual side, take time to pray and meditate. Look up stories about how people have succeeded in spite of the odds. Be with friends that not only are willing to help you but who also believe in you and what you can do.

Bad habits can really suck not just your time, but also your energy and enthusiasm for your online high school education. Being determined to kick these habits early will help you pave the way towards earning your high school diploma, and towards more successes in the future.