Driven to Succeed

Posted on June 08 2012

For teenagers that are driven to succeed and desire to start their potential career path as soon as possible, The American Academy provides them with the opportunity to graduate from high school early.

While early graduation is not for everyone, it is an ideal option for students that want to focus on their future professions, yearn to start college early and have intensely focused self-discipline.

Early graduation also allows students to get a head start on life and in their professional careers. Perhaps this seems daunting to someone, but The American Academy offers students the ability to learn at their own pace, schedule time when flexible and take classes online. With more than 100 courses for students to choose from, there is never a dull moment and the licensed instructors are available to help students every step of the way.

The American Academy works with colleges and universities to ensure that credits easily transfer, as they are an accredited online high school with the Northwest Accreditation Commission and the U.S. Department of Education. They offer a number of different maths, science, history, English, languages and elective credits. They even offer specialty-type classes, such as Horse Management or Photography, designed to cater to students with hobbies and outside interests that they may develop into or pursue as careers.

When a student obtains his or her high school diploma early, this allows a student to enter college sooner, thus finishing college ahead of his or her peers and entering the professional workforce sooner. This also provides students with the opportunity to apply for internships in their fields of interest, giving them a foot in the door with smaller companies and large big business corporations alike.

Additionally, some states – for example Arizona, Idaho and Utah to name a few – offer incentives for students who graduate from high school early. When students graduate from high school in less than four years, they are offered state funded scholarships and tuition waivers. With the costs of college tuition rising and at all time highs, this is an amazing opportunity for students to seize. Many times, state governments see the benefits as a win-win for both sides. The state is able to invest in a student who wants to become a college graduate and begin contributing to the workforce as soon as possible. This not only helps boost local economies, but also ensures that more students have an advanced, higher education – one that no one will know was bought as a highly discounted price! Parents and students enjoy the benefits of these types of programs – for not only long-term career focus but also saving on student loans and tuition fees.